Video từ vựng IELTS – Unit 29: Global warming

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Video từ vựng IELTS – Unit 29: Global warming – Học Hay

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Từ vựng IELTS – Unit 29: Global warming

Bài tập từ vựng IELTS Unit 29: Global warming – Học Hay

1. Complete each sentence 1-6 with an appropriate word.

1. This mountain range was formed by _l _ _ _ _ _ s millions of years ago.

2. Tropical storms and _ y _ _ _ _ _ s are common in the South Pacific at this time of year.

3. The Horn of Africa has been afflicted with severe _ _ _ _ g _ _ s for many years.

4. You need to be careful when swimming in these waters as there’s a very strong _ _ r _ _ _ t.

5. The cost of repairing properties damaged by the _ l _ _ _ ran into billions of pounds.

6. We’ve been advised to board up the windows and stay indoors as the _ u r _ _ _ _ _ _ is approaching fast.


2. Read the questions 1-4 about the words in Exercise 1. Then listen to Track 14 to find answers.

1. Is a hurricane more likely to cause a flood or a drought?

2. What is the difference between a hurricane and a typhoon?

3. Where might you find a glacier?

4. Where might you feel a current: in the air, in the water, in both air and water?


3. Make words 1-5 negative by adding a prefix.

1. agree 

2. consistent 

3. likely

4. legal

5. responsible


4. Match the prefixes 1—4 with the word roots a-d.

1. con-

A. -pand

B. -estimate, -flow

C. -dense, -tract

D. -historic

2. ex-

A. -pand

B. -estimate, -flow

C. -dense, -tract

D. -historic

3. pre-

A. -pand

B. -estimate, -flow

C. -dense, -tract

D. -historic

4. over-

A. -pand

B. -estimate, -flow

C. -dense, -tract

D. -historic


5. Choose words from exercises 3 and 4 to complete sentences 1—7. Make any necessary changes to verb forms.

1. Water vapour _____ to form clouds.

2. When water turns into ice, it _____.

3. In _____ times, people endured ice ages, that is prolonged periods of intense cold.

4. During the flooding, rivers and streams _____ their banks in countless places.

5. Climate scientists came to different conclusions because the data was _____.

6. Global warming is _____ to slow down in the near future.

7. Politicians _____ over how to deal with climate change.


6. Listen to sentence pairs 1—4. Complete the table with the antonyms that you hear.

  sentence a sentence b


Đáp án:


1 glaciers

2 typhoons

3 droughts

4 current

5 flood

6 hurricane



1 a flood

2 hurricanes originate in the Caribbean or Atlantic; typhoons originate in the Pacific

3 polar icecaps of Antarctica and Greenland, and in mountains

4 both air and water



1 disagree

2 inconsistent

3 unlikely

4 illegal

5 irresponsible



1 condense, contract

2 expand

3 prehistoric

4 overestimate, overflow



1 condenses

2 expands

3 prehistoric

4 overflowed

5 inconsistent

6 unlikely

7 disagree



  sentence a sentence b
1 expands contracts
2 likely unlikely
3 inaccurate accurate
4 overestimated underestimated


Exam practise Unit 29: Global warming

Exam practice: Listening – completing notes


Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/0R A NUMBER for each answer.

Hint: listen for antonyms and words with negative prefixes.


Global warming today

In earlier studies:

some 1 _____ have been overstated but some 2 _____ have been understated

Risk factors:

3. _____ are expected to rise by 1m, not 2m

Some 4 _____ and ice sheets seem to be contracting, e.g. Arctic; others seem 5 _____, e.g. Antarctic

Gulf Stream is 6 _____ to vanish


Tropical forests more vulnerable to 7 _____

Hurricanes and 8 _____ are more severe

Thawing permafrost is producing more methane


It is irresponsible to do nothing about 9 _____


Đáp án:

1 risk factors

2 impacts

3 sea levels

4 glaciers

5 to be expanding

6 unlikely to

7 drought

8 typhoons

9 global warming


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